West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
Counseling Center

Mental Health & Wellness

Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Your personal health and wellness is equally as important to us as your academic development. We are committed to serving all of our students’ needs and our school community has many resources available to ensure the personal and mental health of our students is supported.

Neighborcare School-Based Health Center

Location: WSHS, Room 127

Neighborcare Health Clinic   206-658-8048; Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The West Seattle School-Based Health Center (SBHC) is a full service clinic staffed by Nurse Practitioners and Mental Health Counselors, providing all the services (and more) of a family doctor in a teen-friendly setting. It is available to all students and is located in room 127, across the hall from the Main Office. The Health Center is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. Neighborcare Health is a network of medical, dental and school-based clinics, serving more than 48,000 patients in Seattle each year.

Open during regular school days for appointments. When the school is closed, such as during holiday breaks and over the summer, students are encouraged to contact our High Point Medical Clinic by calling 206-461-6950.

What Services are Offered to Students?
The West Seattle SBHC is a full service health clinic that provides physical and mental health care to the students of West Seattle High School. The Health Center is staffed by Nurse Practitioners and Mental Health Counselors.

Services offered at the West Seattle School-Based Health Center include:

  • Evaluation and treatment of common health problems
  • Sports physicals
  • Preventive health care
  • Reproductive health care
  • Immunizations
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Coordination of care with community providers
  • Community and school-based referrals
  • Issues we commonly address include: depression, stress, relationship issues, grief and loss, trauma recovery, problem-solving, working on goals,

…and much more!

We help students do better in school by working to solve physical and mental health problems, preventing serious illness, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Neighborcare Health is committed to creating a health care home and encouraging long-term relationships between patients and providers that include medical, dental and mental health care.

The West Seattle SBHC can be found by using the school’s main entrance, taking the first left, continuing past the main office and taking another left. The Health Center will be on the right side in room 127.

How can students use the West Seattle School-base Health Center?
Register! Any student enrolled at West Seattle High School can be seen by our providers by having a parent or guardian complete and sign the registration forms and return them to the health center. They can either be delivered by the student or parent, or placed in a secure envelope and mailed to Neighborcare Health @ West Seattle High School, 3000 California Ave SW, Seattle WA 98116. Printed copies of the registration forms are also available in the health center. Under state law, youth may independently access some health care without parental consent, including reproductive health and mental health services.

Community Resources

Teen Link  – 1-866-TEENLINK 1-866-833-6546 or 206-461-4922.
Teen Link is an anonymous, confidential help line that empowers youth to make positive and self-respecting decisions about their lives and provides resources and assistance to help them. Teen Link includes a statewide teen-answered help line every evening between 6-10 PM, online chat support, youth suicide prevention training, community outreach and education, as well as the distribution of our freeWhere to Turn for Teens resource guides. Teen Link focuses on serving youth in the Seattle-King County area and Washington State. Teen volunteers are trained to listen to your concerns and talk with you about whatever is on your mind – bullying, drug and alcohol concerns, relationships, stress, depression or any other issues you’re facing. No issue is too big or too small!

2-1-1 Community Information Line 211 or 206-461-3200.
2-1-1 is a nationwide service connecting people to the local services, resources, and assistance they need. All calls are confidential, available in all languages, and are answered 24/7.

Crisis Connections (formerly known as Crisis Clinic) 24-Hr Crisis Line: 866-427-4747.
The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to individuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. They can help you determine if you or your loved one needs professional consultation and can link you to the appropriate services. They are a primary source for linking Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services.

Child Protective Services (CPS) 1-866-ENDHARM or 1-866-363-4276
This phone number can be used to report child abuse or neglect, or to request assistance for a family that may be struggling.

Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families
DCYF is a cabinet-level agency focused on the well-being of children. Our vision is to ensure that “Washington state’s children and youth grow up safe and healthy—thriving physically, emotionally and academically, nurtured by family and community.” DCYF is the lead agency for state-funded services that support children and families to build resilience and health, and to improve educational outcomes. We accomplish this by partnering with state and local agencies, tribes and other organizations in communities across the state of Washington. DCYF was created to be a comprehensive agency exclusively dedicated to the social, emotional and physical well-being of children, youth and families — an agency that prioritizes early learning, prevention and early intervention at critical points along the age continuum from birth through adolescence.